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David Lloyd

Group Exercise Supervisor - Blaze Studio Supervisor

David Lloyd Eastbourne
About the Role Group Exercise Supervisor – Blaze Studio Supervisor Are you a Group Exercise Instructor that considers yourself to be one of the Best? Are you the Group Exercise Instructor that is ready to progress and looking to share your expertise? Are you already a Group Exercise Supervisor and ready for something new and looking to be part of a boutique experience? Blaze has arrived at David Lloyd Clubs! We are so excited to be able to offer one of the most effective Boutique Studio experiences in the UK. As a result, we are looking for an outstanding Blaze Studio Supervisor who can drive the overall Studio experience and longer term have the capabilities of becoming one of our Blaze Master Trainers. As the Blaze Supervisor You will be the ambassador for Blaze in our club and as a result, you will be responsible for a number of duties that will include: Work closely with other departments to ensure Blaze timetable is managed in line with Programming Excellence principles Club communication New member inductions Manage MYZONE community, system and club reports Social and Blaze community yearly calendar including events – one per month Product delivery through weekly assessments and coaching sessions Team development and ongoing coaching in-line with new product updates Weekly, training, development and coaching of Instructor team. All maintenance and PMP management Cleaning and operational standards (BOH/FOH) Weekly brand compliance checks Blaze marketing and social media management Employee engagement and HR non-negotiable for group training instructors Weekly Payroll Weekly H&S checks and compliance Weekly revenue and merchandise reviews So what can you expect? You will find yourself working with state-of-the-art tools to help you achieve success in your role; Blaze is Boutique style group training delivered using the three  Blaze Zones; Cardio, strength and MMA boxing/combat. This coupled with some of Ibiza’s finest DJ mixes, custom lighting and integrated MYZONE technology makes Blaze the hottest prospect in the Fitness Industry right now!
Part Time
6 hours per week