Fitness Instructor jobs in Salford

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Absolute Body Solutions

Personal Trainer Manchester

Absolute Body Solutions Manchester
Being a personal trainer at Absolute Body Solutions (ABS) is an extremely rewarding experience and involves incredible opportunity to grow and develop into one of the country’s top personal trainers. We are on a mission to make personal training a recognised professional service and we want you to be a part of that. We have five state-of-the-art gym spaces across Liverpool, South Liverpool, London, Manchester and Leeds and we are recognised across the UK as a gym delivering the very highest standard of personal training. When you start with us, we will invest in you and your success from day one. We take time to grow your coaching skills to ensure you are developing into a trainer that can consistently deliver outstanding results for your clients. We earmark 4 hours a week for team education. This is time for us to go over the latest techniques in training as well as honing our customer service so it is as premium as it can be. It is also a space for you to raise questions and ask if you need help. ABS sets high standards for its personal trainers but we believe this enables us to deliver the very best service for clients and allows our trainers to grow into training professionals who will be admired across the industry. As a personal trainer at ABS Liverpool you can expect the following: A client base provided by ABS with no need to build your own The tools and support to deliver high quality personal training Access to a dedicated marketing, admin and client relations team Guidance to help keep you personally accountable to your career and earnings goal and ensure that you are continually striving to improve and develop as a PT Weekly team education sessions Support for your personal development and continued education Work alongside some of the leading personal trainers in the fitness industry Work with a supportive team who share your passion for helping people A fun and supportive working environment Have the potential to earn more than double the fitness industry average
£22k - £32k a year
Full Time
40 hours per week