Yoga Teacher jobs

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36 Yoga Teacher jobs

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Freelance Yoga Tutor (Liverpool)

OriGym Liverpool
Be a vital part of shaping the next generation of fitness professionals as you join our dynamic FREELANCE delivery team at Origym Centre of Excellence Ltd. We welcome passionate individuals, to assess our Level 3 yoga qualifications. Key Responsibilities: As a Freelance Fitness Assessor, you will: Create an open and rigorous learning environment, fostering comfort and openness among learners. Guide progressive learning, aligning with unit and course objectives. Encourage critical thinking and challenge learners to deepen their knowledge. Ensure each session, communication, or assessment meets its objectives. Recognise the evolving process of development and adapt support accordingly. Adhere to OriGym brand guidelines, policies, and procedures. Uphold excellent standards of presentation and behaviour. Assessor Skills: Facilitate teaching through non-directive questioning, stimulating discussions, and cueing when necessary. Promote problem-solving and critical thinking, encouraging "out of the box" thinking. Foster efficient learning by setting early goals, sensing problems, and promoting self-monitoring. Promote individual learning by helping students develop study plans and improve study methods. Evaluate through reviewing course aims, helping students define personal objectives, and reporting on individual progress. Schedule: 8-hour shift, weekends (9:00 am - 5:30 pm)
£150 per day
8 hours per week

Freelance Yoga Tutor (Birmingham)

OriGym Birmingham
Be a vital part of shaping the next generation of fitness professionals as you join our dynamic FREELANCE delivery team at Origym Centre of Excellence Ltd. We welcome passionate individuals, to assess our Level 3 yoga qualifications. Key Responsibilities: As a Freelance Fitness Assessor, you will: Create an open and rigorous learning environment, fostering comfort and openness among learners. Guide progressive learning, aligning with unit and course objectives. Encourage critical thinking and challenge learners to deepen their knowledge. Ensure each session, communication, or assessment meets its objectives. Recognise the evolving process of development and adapt support accordingly. Adhere to OriGym brand guidelines, policies, and procedures. Uphold excellent standards of presentation and behaviour. Assessor Skills: Facilitate teaching through non-directive questioning, stimulating discussions, and cueing when necessary. Promote problem-solving and critical thinking, encouraging "out of the box" thinking. Foster efficient learning by setting early goals, sensing problems, and promoting self-monitoring. Promote individual learning by helping students develop study plans and improve study methods. Evaluate through reviewing course aims, helping students define personal objectives, and reporting on individual progress. Schedule: 8-hour shift, weekends (9:00 am - 5:30 pm)
£150 per day
8 hours per week